Marianne Marolla

Coffee packs more than you think!
Coffee Health Benefits Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and one of the most polarizing when it comes to perceived health benefits. For years, many believed it could stunt your growth or cause heart disease. However, newer research shows that not only are these misconceptions, but coffee might even boost your overall health. Your cup of coffee might look like a pool of black water, but think again. There are actually several nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found in coffee beans that make it into your mug. A cup of coffee can include small amounts of...
Marianne Marolla

Does skim milk foam better than whole milk?
Which Is Better? Whole or Skim Milk When we head to the grocery store, we’re faced with a myriad of options when it comes to our milk selection. Whole milk, 1 percent, 2 percent, skim, almond milk… the list goes on. So how do you choose the perfect addition to your cup of joe in the morning or foam to your latte? Our Dietary Guidelines have consistently recommended skim milk (also known as nonfat or fat-free milk) to help prevent heart disease and reduce the amount of fat in our diet. But recent studies have shown whole milk might provide certain health benefits,...
Marianne Marolla

Best way to store coffee.
Keep It Fresh: How to Store Coffee We’ve all indulged in a high-end bag of coffee beans leaving our taste buds happy, but our pockets not so much. So how can we get the best bang out of our buck and make artisanal coffee last longer? The secret to success lies in how you store your coffee. When beans are stored correctly, they make better-tasting, longer-lasting coffee. We break it down for you and share tips on how to keep your coffee airtight, buy the right portions, and extend your coffee’s freshness. Whole Beans or Ground Coffee? Let’s start from...
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